By this point in the campaign the Hebrew
fighting force had advance far north to what today is Syria. They most likely
had some advanced units securing that frontier but there were still some
remnant Amorite populations behind the lines, to the south.
The tribes of Reuben and Gad had much livestock
and This land of Jazer and Gilead was ideal to sustain that large herds. They
approached Moses and Eleazar the priest and asked for the land as a reward for
their conduct thus far should these leaders be in agreement.
Moses was astounded by their selfishness in wanting to settle there and
let the other Hebrews cross the Jordan ahead of them and head to battle while
they set up their dwelling. This is what the previous generation had done when
the spies were sent out to survey the land. This was a major breach in
discipline with serious consequences. Then, and now the attitude of the few
would impact the many. Moses warned them that God would leave them stranded in
the wilderness again as He had done before.
Upon hearing this the Reubenites and Gadites
reasoned that they wanted merely to setup the home for their animals, family
and wealth. With their inheritance secure they would join the fighting. Moses
directed them to do the opposite, to first fight and then inherit the land.
This was strategically sound as they would be able to remove future threats to
their land instead of living under threat of attack.
Fortunately, Reuben and Gad saw reason and
agreed with their leader, leaving their families in area of Gilead while
joining the fighting force. Moses instructed Eleazar and Joshua to set aside
that land for the two tribes after they crossed the river committing themselves
to battle. Although the land was to be west of the Jordan River, Gad and Reuben
insisted that their land should be on the East.
Moses gave Gad, Reuben and Manasseh the
recently fallen lands of the Amorites and Bashan. The Gadites and Reubenites
rebuilt the fortified cities while individual clans of the half tribe of
Manasseh went on the attack. These were the Machirites, Jairites and Nobah, a
Manasseh warrior with a contingent of fighters.
(1) Gad and Reuben occupied the land and rebuilt the towns in the area
that had been through the previous battles.
(2) Machirites captured Gilead, expulsing the Amorites and settled
(3) Jairites captured the smaller Amorite settlements and renamed the
area Havvoth Jair.
(4) Nobah captured Kenath and renamed it Nobah.
What this was a basic operation of eliminating
pockets of Amorite resistance that were left there from the previous battles.
The enemy was most likely depleted from first line fighters and could not mount
any significant resistance.
Gad and Reuben were content with what they had
east of the Jordan and did not want to walk into what God had for them across
in Canaan. So many times believers have a nice life – a nice job, a nice home –
and don’t want to get themselves wet for a short period so they can go into
something far better.
The two tribes here were grieving God for these
(a) Resting on their laurels: they were being presumptuous in thinking
they had done enough for the people’s cause.
(b) Contentment: they took what they had and did not want more.
(c) Selfishness: they did not care to help their brothers in continuing
their own journey.
(d) Disobedience: God did not offer the Promised Land to the people as a
bonus, this was the optimal place for them and He directed them into it if they
would let Him.
God has infinitely more for us than we could
ever imagine on our own. He always places a desire in our hearts for more, not
less. Refusing to move on ahead is like telling God hat we’re happy in this
world and don’t really want to go into His kingdom and its almost like saying
we don't need Heaven.
The fathers of these people had refused to go
into Canaan for a different reason, at that time they didn't step into the land
because of fear of what lay ahead, this time they didn't step in because of
fear to leave what was behind.
Reuben and Gad wanted to take care of their
cattle, their wealth, before joining the fighting. That is not what God wanted
of them.
Just as Moses was approached by two tribes here, later in Luke 9:57-62 Jesus is approached by two men who want to follow him but not before they take care of their affairs. One wanted to first bury his father, the other wanted to bid his family farewell first. Jesus responded that no man, having been given an assignment from God, who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God. When a man buried his father this meant that he was taking hold of his inherited estate as well. These people wanted to secure their earthly possessions before joining Jesus but he told them, effectively, that you cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).
Moses told the two tribes that if they first
supported the people in war their inheritance would be secure with God’s blessing.
[33] But
seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall
be added to you. [34] Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will
worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Wisdom prevailed and Reuben and Gad agreed to secure the land through
fighting before settling there.
River Jordan.
Jordanian officers at border.
Kibbutz Ma’oz
Khayim close to Jordan border.
All timeline dates prior to 664 BC are based on Rohl’s New Chronology. Refer to our chapter “Chronological Discrepancies” for clarification.